
  • JWTPayload
    • E2EPoPTokenPayload



aud: string | string[]

JWT Audience.

Typically the Client ID or User ID that the Authenticating Party uniquely identifies with.

exp: number

JWT Expiration Time.

The seconds-precision Unix timestamp when the E2E PoP Token expires.

iat: number

JWT Issued At.

The seconds-precision Unix timestamp when the E2E PoP Token was issued.

iss: string

JWT Issuer.

Typically the Client ID of the End-User's Client.

jti: string


A randomly generated string that is unique for the combination of issuer, subject, and audience within the lifespan of the ICT.

nbf?: number

JWT Not Before.

The seconds-precision Unix timestamp when the E2E PoP Token becomes valid.

sub: string

JWT Subject.

Typically the identifier of the End-User.

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